Unfortunately, condo association disputes in Cook County are not uncommon. While there are certainly perks to being the member of a Chicago condominium association, such as appreciating unit value, tax benefits and having a larger organization maintain the common elements like the roof, landscaping, etc. The downside to condo associations is that there are many people involved who are required to follow many rules and regulations, which sets the stage for condo association disputes in Cook County to inevitably arise.
Condo associations are like municipalities where condo unit owners elect a board, usually on an annual basis. The condo association board makes decisions regarding the-day-to day operations of the association which is responsible for the maintenance of the common elements. Condo associations have bylaws, by which all unit owners must abide. However, sometimes disputes arise that the parties cannot resolve themselves. When this occurs, litigation ensues and the courts need to decide issues.
Below are some of the more common issues involved in condo association disputes:
- What is a common element
- Noise disputes
- Property rights disputes
- Failure of association to provide budgets and financial records
- Failure of an owner to follow association by-laws
- Failure of previous board to transfer control to the new directors
- Failure to properly enact fines against unit owners
- Collection of assessments and fines through evictions and liens
If you are a condo association or a unit owner involved in a condo dispute, you need to advice and assistance of a condo disputes attorney to help you assess whether or not litigation is the most appropriate course of action.